Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Whistler Rules!

Made it to Whistler again! The place where 11 years ago, a day after proposing to Lori, we arrived in her new VW Jetta with mtn bikes on the roof, and I plowed them into a condo garage, beating the crap out of Lori's car. She should have learned then to turn around and RUN! ;) Anyway, good to be back...the trip started out quickly with a scavenger hunt that my folks set up for Pete and Lyssa and fam, and my fam to quickly get reoriented with the village. Fun time running around with the kids finding things. BUT, along the way, Lori threw out her back carrying our jog stroller up some steps. Didn't know it yet, so more later on that saga...

My neice Olivia and Elena had an immediate love, love, push, scream, love, dance, kiss, hit, take, love relationship from the start. They will be a dangerous pair one day...

Grandpa and Grandma spent hours chilling with the kids, swimming, breaking up toy fights. Fun times!

At "Adventure Zone" they had all sorts of things for kids to do. Elena was a bit too little to do any of them, so she hopped on the hopscotch and followed us around plugging her nose from the smell of the pony rides.

Marina however, stepped into Olivia's spot on the super bungee trampoline thingy after Olivia decided it was a little too wily for a 2 year old. Smart girl. Marina was freaked too, but the girl running the thing was great and slowly got Marina up to "Super Bounce" height. The rest of the week Marina would be staring off in space and I would ask her what she was thinking about, and she would tell me... "Jumping".

Too much to do in Whistler. Haven't even cracked the egg.

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Aren't there basketballs in Latvia?