Back to work...finally...on completing the vision of a patio under the grape arbor. Started 3 years ago when I rebuilt the arbor to raise the profile of it high enough for someone my height to walk under it. That was a horrible job. But done. Then, when I put the lawn in I left a patch bare, and that has been my weed garden / mud pit ever since. I launched into the job hard after Lori and I agreed on the plan and the materials. First, a whole day of excavating and grading the soil....

Then an entire day of hauling gravel up the front steps and into the pit. Rake, grade, tamp, repeat.

Then a whole day of hauling sand up the front steps and into the pit.

Followed by THE ROCK. Finally the fun stuff.

By my count, 3.25 tons of material hauled up the front steps from the street in 5 gallon buckets, followed by a wheelbarrow ride to the backyard.
Mule time. High Life time.
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