Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I love the smell of Argon in the morning

Day 2 in class....by lunch, I couldn't see straight I was so frustrated. Sat down first thing to try another T-Joint weld, or, "get warmed up" as my teacher said. I was all charged up to put my first day's learning to practice on the tubeset that I spent 30 minutes filing and cleaning to fit right. Jig set, Argon purge flowing, everything clean, shiny, welder charged.....and go.....tacked the first obtuse angle centerline fine. WHOOO! Then, turned it around to hit the acute angle tack and trying for once not to cut a hole in the mitered tube.....was too hesitant...took too long to build up the heat and weld pool and....BRRZZZAassnnoaopaPAPAPP!! Another F-ing hole!

Oh well. the rest will go better. 20 more minutes of crap welds....missed weld lines...oxidation....totally frustrating. I destroyed it. Such a bummer I can't even describe it.

Then a demonstration by my teacher of building a miniature triangle (Gruelon), where Jim proceeded to put together the damn thing with the most beautiful welds in about 10 minutes...all the while talking to us. Amazing. Many years (and thousands of bikes) worth of practice...so I had to keep that in mind. Back to prepping another T-Joint before luch. file file file file. Lunch with the parents and Calle on the river to unwind.

Back at it, we spent 2 hours going over fit theory and geometry. The process was well demystified and broken down into logical steps. Very good. My homework tonight, start working out Lori's bike. Then back to practice welding. HAVE to hammer one so that I don't feel like a total loser. Took my time. Breathed alot. Got some more pointers. And in the end? Got around one whole side with totally passable welds. WHEW. Of course I had to finish the other side with a very humbling blown hole again. BUT? All told, a total victory to end the day on.

Back at Calle's, Tall Boy of High Life in hand. Feeling better. Ready for tomorrow (almost). This class is totally exhausting. I feel like I'm in space. But that's alright. I'm still moving forward. How I will ever get to a full bike frame, I have no idea, but the teachers are telling me I'm well on track. Looking around at the other benches makes me feel a little better. This crap is HARD.

Heading to dinner in Ashland now. Back to the work table for sketches later with more reality TV with Calle (her favorite sport), and then my cozy sleeping bag. In the shop again for day 3 tomorrow. I'll take pictures then. Forgot the camera this morning....but probably a good thing. I was totally humbled by metal!

1 comment:

PATOR said...

Hey - You should have left your luggage at home. Apparently it is completely legal to roam Ashland in the buff.

Go buy this guy a beer:


Aren't there basketballs in Latvia?