Brent called me this morning, and woke me out of bed to wish me a happy 4th. Good man. No one here seems to talk, or want to talk, about the 4th of July. Not sure why. ;) Anyway, we made the most of the holiday-less holiday by making our long awaited trip to Tiggywinks, the hospital for injured wildlife. Imagine a duck, or badger or hedgehog gets hit by a Peugot mini car on the motorway, shatters a limb or two, and is in need of some bracing. Pop! In you go to Tiggywinks. (sorry for the accent). Along the way, took some photos of English clouds for Alvarez. Very interesting cloudscapes out here Johnny boy.

Here is an albino hedgehog that our girls were told is blind and probably got hit on the head because all he does all day is just walk around in circles. Of course, just like when I used to play Sonic, sure enough, when you touch them, they ball up into a potato bug stance. Interesting.

Most exciting of all, after seeing broken up ducks, bunnies, deer and looking at places where broken fox and badger were hiding, we got to tour the Hedgehog museum. Which, as you can see by this signage is the one and only in the world. Go figure that! Ahh the things you do on vacation with 2 under 5yrs old. Whatever happened to visiting the red light district in Amsterdam or something....

After this adventure, we left Tiggywinks and headed to Thame, which was a cool little village. Ate lunch there and picked up some gluten free biscuits for Marina (the food hunt out here is out of control. Everything on the menu is a no no for Marina, however, everyone, and I mean everyone understands the need for gluten free options.... unlike the States where people look at you like... "you need what?"... don't get it.) Then we headed over for a tea party at Netty's. The girls played with Sienna, Netty's daughter, dressed up like princesses, and ate cakes and what not. Very nice.

While we were there, we hatched the plan to go to Henley on Thames today to see the carnival which is the Henley Regatta, a famous rowing competition that springs up in the little village of Henley every year. As Netty put it, the village is teeming with teams of fit young men from around the world partying and competing in the rowing competition, including trialing for the Olympics teams here. So, should be an interesting day. Need to go light a fire under my girls arses to get them on the train soon to get there before the rain comes back.... maybe we'll see Orlando Bloom there. Netty says rumor has it he will be at the spectating pavillion. I'll dong jeep him if I see him.

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