Thursday, August 13, 2009

August WHAT!?

And I guess another month and a half have slipped by like water down the pooper. But that's summer, right? Quick as lightning. Been a pretty good summer though, lot's of camping/cookouts/parties/hangtime/beachtrips/etc. I'm still grinding away on the bike shop plan. I've found two of the loveliest machines I think I can find, TOGETHER, in a gunsmith's shop out in the midwest. He'll part with them for a good price.....too bad I need all my pennies right now. Still not giving up hope. Looking for a way to acquire. I also got the first CAD drawings back from an extrusion manufacturer in my clueless attempt to construct my own frame jig. I think I can get there on my own, but I will need my two lovely machines to mill up all of my own custom connection points to the extruded frame of the jig. Get the argon FLOWIN.

Anyway, baby steps are steps nonetheless. The tortoise won the race, right?

And there's Hood To Coast...yipes! Been riding heavy for months, leaving precious few ounces of energy to put towards running training, but nonetheless, the scare of the impending relay in 2 weeks time has had me pounding the pavement again. I went straight for my tried and true training regimine of my alternating Rocky Butte and Mt Tabor loops. When you got a little time, it's no time to go little. I think I got it. Guess I don't really have a choice.....


Aren't there basketballs in Latvia?