Monday, November 26, 2007
For Trev
Sunday, November 4, 2007
What on Earth is in that bottle? Half time sunset.....the game looked good but tight at this point. Anxiety ratcheted up some...would the fabled 2nd half ASU team show up? Or even if they did, would they like what they'd find in the Oregon team on the field...we know now. The 2nd half was a total 10. Loud as ever, and the Oregon defense was as huge as JStew.
When the dust settled, and my ears, vocal chords and hands stopped ringing, we moved clear of the Pac.
Night comes on to Autzen. Sweet walk back over the river to campus for a celebratory prime rib feast at the OES with the crew....a slice of Sy's and I-5 any other night, but this one was worth the wait.
Viva La Halloween
Elena just wanted the whole thing to hurry up to the point where I would light hers on fire so she could see it in the dark.
I think things turned out alright myself.....
The resurgence of the princess patrol broke out again for the big night. We actually strayed from our neighborhood and went to some friends of ours that we met during Marina's pre birth class thingy. Forgot how cool all that crowd was. They live on Alameda, which I've never trick or treated at....it was nuts. Like Peacock Lane for Halloween....literally there would be 15 kids at the door, and another 15 waiting to get up the steps, with another 15 running towards the house from both directions. Totally impossible and a little worrying trying to keep your eye on your 2 year old in the candy feuled mayhem.
I think Elena could do Halloween every night. Dead sprint from start to chocolate mouthed finish and ultimate collapse